
Compliments, complaints, and other feedback provide Moreton Bay Ability Pty Ltd with valuable information about participant satisfaction and an opportunity to improve upon all aspects of its service.

Feedback is taken seriously by Moreton Bay Ability Pty Ltd and is seen as an opportunity for improvement.

Moreton Bay Ability Pty Ltd complaints management and resolution system ensures people can easily make a complaint and have them dealt with fairly and quickly.

Moreton Bay Ability Pty Ltd makes information available to participants and other stakeholders about how to make a complaint to it, the NDIS Commissioner and any other relevant body and keeps adequate records about complaints received.

Moreton Bay Ability Pty Ltd prioritises the safety and wellbeing of children and young people and recognises the role of families and communities in helping them to understand and use this policy and procedure.

All personal information Moreton Bay Ability Pty Ltd collects to manage feedback or complaints must be handled in accordance with Moreton Bay Ability Pty Ltd Privacy and Confidentiality Policy and Procedure.

Providing feedback to Moreton Bay Ability Pty Ltd is voluntary.

Feedback can be provided at any time, in any way, by any stakeholder, through:

·         a staff member

·         email, mail, or phone

·         Moreton Bay Ability Pty Ltd Feedback and Complaints Form

·         Moreton Bay Ability Pty Ltd website

·         service delivery planning days (involving participants and other stakeholders)

·         Management Team meetings (involving participants and other stakeholders)

·         staff collection of feedback after a person interacts with the service (e.g., initial assessment and           planning, reviews, exit, etc.)

·         annual participant satisfaction surveys. All participants or their representatives or families will be.          asked to complete these surveys and

·         annual staff and stakeholder satisfaction surveys. All staff will be asked to complete these surveys and stakeholders will be selected on a random basis.

Where feedback is provided verbally, the receiving staff member will transcribe it onto a Moreton Bay Ability Pty Ltd Feedback and Complaints Form.

Moreton Bay Ability

We are a provider of NDIS services offering Support Coordination and In Home and Community supports. We can assist to you to make the most of your NDIS plan

1/111 Samsonvale Rd Strathpine 4500

0468 309 172

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